Trilok Singh, UPSC Answer key 2017 : UPSC Civil services Prelimanary exam 2017 key will be launched on 18-06-2016 just after the finishing the GS Paper, Live @Tughlakabad Centre. We are trying to publish First Recent post in India after the finishing of General Study paper 1, CSE 2017. Previous year it also launched by our IASmind Team, First post in India. (See, We will try to do our best. All the best.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted the Civil Services Preliminary Examination, 2017, on Sunday. The commission conducts the CS exam every year to select officers for Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and Indian Police Service (IPS), among others.
The preliminary examination consists of two papers consisting objective type or multiple choice questions: General Studies (GS) or Paper 1 and Aptitude or Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) or Paper 2. The GS paper has 100 questions carrying two marks each while the CSAT has 80 questions carrying 2.5 marks each. There is a penalty of 33% marks out of the allocated marks for every wrong answer. The CSAT paper (paper 2) is evaluated first and GS Paper or Paper 1 is evaluated only of those candidates who have qualified in Paper 2 or got 33% or 66 marks in CSAT. The candidates are shortlisted for the mains on the basis of their scores in paper 1.
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CSAT 2017
Passage – 1
Disruption of traditional institutions, identifications and loyalties is likely to lead to ambivalent situations. It is possible that some people may renew their identification with traditional groups whereas others align themselves with new groups and symbols emergent from processes of political development. In addition, political development tends to foster group awareness of a variety of class, tribe, region, clan, language, religion, occupation and others.
1. Which one of the following is the best explanation of the above passage?
(a) Political development is not a unilinear process for it involves both growth and decay.
(b) Traditional societies succeed in resisting positive aspects of political development.
(c) It is impossible for traditional societies to break away from lingering loyalties.
(d) Sustenance of traditional loyalties is conducive to political development.
There has been a significant trend worldwide towards regionalism in government, resulting in a widespread transfer of powers downwards towards regions and communities since 1990s. This process, which involves the creation of new political entities and bodies at a sub-national level and an increase in their content and powers, is known as devolution. Devolution has been characterized as being made up of three factors—political legitimacy, decentralization of authority and decentralization of resources. Political legitimacy here means a mass demand from below for the decentralization process, which is able to create a political force for it to take place. In many cases, decentralization is initiated by the upper tier of government without sufficient political mobilization for it at the grassroots level, and in such cases the decentralization process often does not fulfil its objectives.
2. Which among the following is the most logical, rational and critical inference that can be made from the above passage?
(a) Emergence of powerful mass leaders is essential to create sub-national political entities and thus ensure successful devolution and decentralization.
(b) The upper tier of government should impose devolution and decentralization on the regional communities by law or otherwise.
(c) Devolution, to be successful, requires a democracy in which there is free expression of the will of the people at lower level and their active participation at the grassroots level.
(d) For devolution to take place, a strong feeling of regionalism in the masses is essential.
Answer. c
We live in digital times. The digital is not just something we use strategically and specifically to do a few tasks. Our very perception of who we are, how we connect to the world around us, and the ways in which we define our domains of life, labour and language are hugely structured by the digital technologies. The digital is everywhere and; like air, invisible. We live within digital systems, we live with intimate gadgets, we interact through digital media, and the very presence and imagination of the digital has dramatically restructured our lives. The digital, far from being a tool, is a condition and context that defines the shapes and boundaries of our understanding of the self, the society, and the structure of governance.
3. Which among the following is the most logical and essential message conveyed by the above passage?
(a) All problems of governance can be solved by using digital technologies.
(b) Speaking of digital technologies is speaking of our life and living.
(c) Our creativity and imagination cannot be expressed without digital media.
(d) Use of digital systems is imperative for the existence of mankind in future.
Passage – 4
The IMF has pointed out that the fast growing economies of Asia face the risk of falling into ‘middle-income trap’. It means that average incomes in these countries, which till now have been growing rapidly, will stop growing beyond a point—a point that is well short of incomes in the developed West. The IMF identifies a number of causes of middle-income trap—none of which is surprising—from infrastructure to weak institutions, to leas than favourable macroeconomic conditions. But the broad, overall cause, says IMF, is a collapse in the growth of productivity.
4. Which among the following is the most logical, rational and critical inference that can be made from the above passage?
(a) Once a country reaches middle-income stage, it runs the risk of falling productivity which leads to stagnant incomes.
(b) Falling into middle-income trap is a general characteristic of fast growing economies.
(c) There is no hope at all for emerging Asian economies to sustain the growth momentum.
(d) As regards growth of productivity, the performance of Asian economies is not satisfactory.
(The unofficial answer key of Civil Services Preliminary Examination, 2017 has been provided by, a private site/institute. Trilok Singh does not take the responsibility for any of its findings.)